Richard Gliddon DC, MChiro, PgCert
Certified Level 3 ABC™ Practioner
Endonasal Cranial Correction Practitioner
President of the European Association of Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABCE)
Lead Instructor ABCE
Owner Spinecentral
“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless”
Richard Gliddon grew up in a small dusty town in the South African bush where a health-conscious mother and an active and sporty lifestyle lead him to the local chiropractor from an early age. Since that time he has continued to visit chiropractors on a regular basis to maintain his alignment and correct the injuries caused through his love of sports.
Richard has always been very health conscious and with this natural curiosity towards sports and performance, as well as his hunger to understand the body, chiropractic was his obvious career choice. He graduated from the Anglo European College of Chiropractic in the summer of 2006 and moved to Aberdeen to spend three years working in one of the longest established and busiest practices in the UK. It was there that he honed his clinical skills and developed a passion for functional health. Since then he has been on a never-ending journey to get to the cause and understand pain, injury and illness at their route.
As a Chiropractor
Richard believes that the first goal of any health practitioner should be to deliver outstanding clinical results for their patients. This desire to deliver consistent and predictable change lead him to study many different techniques in-depth and gain a deep understanding of structural health. The human body is a highly complex and intricate machine. The spine, arms, legs, jaw, head, and pelvis are work as one functional unit, an integrated whole if you like. This means that it is crucial for chiropractors to consider the whole body when looking to resolve pain and injuries.
Following a snowboarding accident in 2009 where he fractured two vertebrae in his spine, Richard went on a several year healing journey of his own. Experiencing chiropractic from the other side, as a patient, yet with a unique advantage of being able to critically assess how his body reacted. It was during these difficult years that he learned groundbreaking new concepts and theories on how to correctly restore spinal health, and having healed his own back from a difficult injury, he has introduced this new science and understanding of biomechanics to SpineCentral, with great success.
The science now clearly shows our lifestyle and environment are the key indicators and determinants of our level of health. In a nutshell, it boils down to how well we Eat, Move and Think, or in other words, the level of stress we have physically, chemically and mentally. This is why Richard is also passionate about educating and inspiring his clients to make lasting lifestyle changes which support and maintain their health in all dimensions. Richard calls this approach to surviving the myriad of modern day stresses The CORE 4 and teaches is in a 12 week home study program he developed called Wake Up Wellness.
“The human body is a truly incredible thing, and as chiropractors we are very fortunate and privileged to be able to work with it every day. Specifically we get to work with the spine and nervous system, which together are the most complicated, intricate and fascinating thing that we as humans have ever studied. Every patient is different with their own unique series of challenges and that is why every day in practice is a thrilling challenge. There is a science to restoring structural health, and I love putting all the pieces together and helping people to get back on their feet and reach the best version of them.”
As a student
Richard is committed to lifelong learning and refining of the art, science and philosophy of chiropractic.
The science is constantly evolving as new research, discoveries and refinements are published in the literature. This is why Richard attends many seminars throughout the year, keeps up to date with the main chiropractic and medical journals and reads prolifically in his free time.
By using modern chiropractic techniques, state of the art technology and science-backed lifestyle strategies Richard aims to transform the health of every patient who visits SpineCentral
“My oldest patient to date has been 93 years old and my youngest 2 days old. I see everyone, from office workers to labourers, to world champion athletes and Olympic gold medalists. Structral alignment is one of the best kept secrets in healthcare!”
As a Person
A keen sportsman and self-confessed ‘health nerd’ Richard understands the importance of looking after himself and maintaining his health at the highest possible levels. One of the best ways to do this is through sport and he has been competing in triathlons, playing tennis, rugby and golf from an early age. If he’s not working, he can be found in the gym, maintaining a good level of fitness or out practising his other great passion, kite-surfing.
What is his mission?
“People seem to have forgotten the very basic principles for living a long and healthy life without dis-ease and stress. It has become my mission in life to provide natural and healthy solutions to the people I meet on my way and to bring new heights to their health and well being.
My mission is to provide the very best structural healthcare to the local communities of South West London and to inspire and empower as many people as I possibly can towards attaining optimal health and all of the benefits and advantages that come with it.
I very much look forward to meeting you and answering any of your questions and queries in person.”